
Loan Assistance

Loan Assistance

We Can Help You Get A Right Deal

Today we live in a consumerist society, and a highly competitive one. We like to buy stuff – a lot of stuff. Many a times we need financial assistance by way of loans to meet that need. Are Loans bad ? To understand this we need to first understand the difference between a bad loan and a good loan. Let us illustrate it with an example :- A loan taken to buy a property to live in or which gives you rent, saves income tax and grows in value can be considered a good debt. Another example could be business loan taken to expand the business which is generating returns more than the interest paid and helping you scale your business as well. A land bought in loan which appreciates over a period of time can be another example. Sometimes medical exigencies or some personal emergencies at home can also push you to raise a personal loan. As long as it is taken to create an asset or meet an exigency, it will qualify as a good loan.

The next biggest challenge for the loanee is to find the right product and the right financial institution to avail that. An average borrower is faced with lot of questions and doubts in his mind when he goes through the process of availing loan.

1. How much Loan would I get ?
2. Which Lender to choose from ?
3. How much EMI should I expose myself without crossing the redline ?
4. What are the costs attached to it ?
5. Are there any tax benefits ?
6. Should I take a fixed rate or floating rate and what tenor should I choose ?
7. Can I get a refinance on my property ?
So on and so forth. Each of these decisions has the ability to impact you positively or negatively in terms of financial prudence.

Our aim is to help you answer these questions in a manner which serves your interests the best. We realize that every client has a unique requirement based on age, income group, cash flows etc. and our team of seasoned professionals with their wealth of diverse experience help meet the needs of the borrowers across the financial spectrum. The team has extensive experience in the area of retail loans and has deep understanding and expertise related to loan products and markets gained over many years of working with the best in the industry And the fact that we work with host of financial institutions – both banks and NBFCs – ensures that our advice is unbiased.

We offer solutions for Home Loans, Plot Loans, Loans Against Property, Business Loans and Personal Loans.
